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Dipslides should be incubated at 30oC after the dipslides have been dipped in the test sample making sure that the dipslide results are not contaminated. Once the dipslides are dipped into the test sample the dipslide is place in its container for the incubation process. Carrying out tests at varying time intervals will give results that are more balanced and easier to monitor, it does mean multiple dipslides but makes the results more accurate.

(any Initial Dipslide readings after 24 hours will show accurate higher levels of contamination - slight contamination may only show after 24 hours of incubation)

All have a shelf life of 9 months.

Each box of 10 dipslides contains instructions, labels and expiry date.

Anaerobic Bacteria (Culture Tube Test) Dipslides

These bacteria exist when the oil is stagnant. They reduce chemicals in the oil emulsion to give hydrogen sulphide which is the noxious 'Rotten Egg' smell given off when the oil is disturbed. They also give off acids which reduce the alkalinity of the emulsion and in certain cases promote corrosion.

Coliform Bacteria Dipslides

These are bile tolerant bacteria, which pass through the body of animals or man and emerge in the faeces. Whilst they are not necessarily pathogenic there are pathogenic bacteria usually associated with them. These are usually shigella and salmonella. It is easier to detect the Coliform bacteria, which are present in greater numbers. If a significant number - say 10/5 colonies/ml - are regularly found, medical advice should be sought. The majority of bacteria found in oils are non-pathogenic, but there are occasions when "opportunist' pathogenic bacteria may be present.

There are at least three ways in which these can enter the body: -

  • Ingestion of spray. Spray removal equipment should be used.
  • Entry through cuts in the skin. These should be protected.
  • Entry through defatted skin pores. Paraffin or similar solvents should not be used to wash hands. Barrier creams and proper non-abrasive soaps should be provided.

The possibilities for unrestricted growth of bacteria should be minimised and this can be summed up:

  • Good housekeeping to keep oils clean i.e. pipes, storage and stop water leakages into oil systems
  • Clean the tanks, pipes, with a steriliser/cleaner before introduction of fresh oil
  • Use an oil containing a biocide effective against bacteria, yeasts and fungus or treat symptomatically using Tektrak Aquabac 80.
  • Identify by testing first stages of bacterial contamination so that the problem may be treated.

Bacterial Contamination DipslideTest in Water Systems

The Coliform dipslide may be used to check all water systems including cooling water, ballast and boilers. The count is not high enough to give a low enough count for drinking water systems but will identify a potential risk of system fouling or risk of Legionella disease i.e. see dipslide user guide. A full RBS/SCT/SRB check is recommended.

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)

Dipslide Incubator


The Dipslide Incubator is ideal for the modern Laboratory. It can be used in the vertical or horizontal position. Rotating the regulating screw ..


availabe: 986 in stock

Dipslides (Box 10) Aerobic/Coliform


Dipslides (Box 10) Aerobic / Coliform F201A are combination microbiological dipslide for aerobic/coliform (SCT) 35°C for 24-48hrs Industrial microbiol..


availabe: 919 in stock


Metalworking Dipslides (Box of 10) Aerobic/Yeast & Moulds (RBS) MW5


Standard Metalworking Dipslide for coolant testing. Complies with MW5 and H&S requirements.  It is a Combination microbiological dipslide for..


availabe: 238 in stock

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)